[Poem] Batata mornings
4:23:00 PMI lived for the Batata mornings
Breakfast in bed
The eggs
scrambled into the buttery
The other
one -- the one filled with Nutella
for after the
Coconut waffle
and for after
the fries
… for after
the first feature; and, for
after some
work done for the boss -- nakedly;
Or, later (or, after that)
After your unraveling
a rendering of your weeks’ yield of the drama
the trauma
By this time;
my head was on your thigh
warmed by both
your legs and your laptop,
petting the
dogs head resting on your other thigh,
All of it making
your belly so warm, I’d have to jerk the fan closer to me.
And, then after
some laughter;
And, then after
some Heideggar and Hagel and Kant;
And, then, after
all sorts of S’ak pase and Na’ boule.
And, after
all that
Your yielding,
… your toes
would curl up; and your horse breath in my ear
Would make my
scalp go electric
Time could
have been a song; or just its’ refrain;
And, the space of between you and me disappeared for
To drift back,
almost immediately,
into the week;
drifting back
into sleep, forgetful until
the hurricane
we had made -- our child (us made one)
bursts in …
And tells us she’s
– very much so.
tamale!” We finally figured out
after a
couple of stakeouts was:
A guy on a
bike, every Saturday (religiously).
A block away,
the Imam goes at it again,
Five times
every day:
Five moments
to reflect – especially during Springtime when the windows were mostly open
And the decay
wafting in from the nearby cemetery was sweet, like
How it smells when rot transforms
back into fresh
and virgin
The trumpet
of revelation always nearby and
within earshot
To have known
then-and-there; or, in retrospect,
when we were being tame with each other,
(every once
in a while)
… to recall at
least *one* of those Batata mornings; in the R&B;
In the sweet
potato fries;
and, in all sorts
of other pronouns we had for
for naughty