Essay In Draft (Cont.): Origins of the Nationalist Right in The United States

8:43:00 AM

For Part 1 of this "Essay in Draft" CLICK HERE

Orchestra director, Frank Lutz, uses "minority report" hand gestures to direct a choral ensemble for his forthcoming fugue.

Watch as he deftly conducts the focus group, eliciting from them the sexiest, most virulent string of words to define the tone, tenor and intensity of public discourse.

Lutz's ability to appeal and to inspire by virtue of his interpretations and by the excellence and finish which he will inject into the ideologies as given to him by the avid and experienced aggregation of social media "likers" has made his acclaim soar as much as his fees have risen in this fair and balanced market. ++

Critics say box office revenues will be staggering with production costs being so low. One focus group's total costs will likely not exceed greatly three or four telemarketers, hired on a part time basis at a few bucks per hour above minimum wage. In addition, the jury-sized pool of people recruited and who watch a lot, some, occasional or rare moments of online or cable news (any network; all that apply), with each costing, roughly, what one entrée at Outback Steakhouse costs. The administrative fees, conference room rentals, and a wedding/sweet-sixteen-style freelance videography company filling up the remaining expenses.

The number ideologies this one focus group can yield is limitless. The destruction and collateral damage of the rhetoric from focus groups such as these may be considered among the contributing factors in climate change and the sixth mass extinction which is already underway.

It is speculated that the amount of bloodshed and scorched earch will be epic.

++ ripped and adapted from THIS ARTICLE

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